For The Guys – How To Know a Girl Likes You
Geplaatst op 22-01-2025
Categorie: Lifestyle
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Apparently us women can be a tricky group for you guys to figure out. I’ll admit, we ladies aren’t always able to express ourselves in a clear and succinct manner that tells you exactly what we are thinking – especially when we like you. When we begin to have a crush on someone, all of a sudden all these fears start popping up. What if this bombs? What If I like him more than he likes me? What if I get hurt again? And for some of us, these feelings make our guard go way up and we become utterly incapable of saying three simple words - I like you. Luckily there are a whole host of clues for you men that will tell you how we feel without us having to verbalize it. To point you in the right direction, I have compiled a list below.
1. If she touches you
Any sort of touch should be a clue to you that hey, this girl is into you. I often grab the guy’s arm lightly or sometimes touch his shoulder, depending on the context of the conversation. A forearm grab is more, “hey come grab a drink with me.” The shoulder is more, “Oh I am so sorry to hear that your fish died.” Or, when we are talking in a group, I’ve been known to prop my elbow up on the guys shoulder and do a casual sort of lean-thingy. While moves like these may make you think the girl is being a little” buddy-buddy” they are actually a very clear indicator that we like you and we are hoping you’ll touch us too.
2. If she says your name a lot
This is our way of showing you that A. we know you and B. you are getting our undivided attention. If I really like a guy, I often begin calling them by their full name. It is fun and flirty, it shows them I’ve been paying attention AND it says I am capable of memorizing multiple words. Bonus!
3. If she is all smiles and laughs
When we like you we simply can’t control the urge to smile and laugh. And we aren’t being phony either! Even if your joke is completely moronic, when a girl likes you, you are absolutely hilarious in her eyes. It’s a fact.
4. If she says something awkward
I get real awkward when I like a guy. I’m nervous, I want to make sure not to say the wrong thing, and I am usually too busy smiling and laughing at your jokes to properly think through what I should say next. So occasionally (ok often) something uber-awkward will slip out. Please men, don’t judge us when we do this. Just consider it stroking your ego.
5. If she offers to buy you a drink
Please believe I am not offering to buy a drink to any guy I don’t think is attractive and cool. If us ladies wanted to, we could go all night not paying for a single drink. So if we are offering to not only buy our own but pick up the tab on yours as well, we are definitely trying to make a good impression.
6. If she is looking straight into your eyes when she talks to you
Eye contact is intimate and if a guy makes us uncomfortable, we don’t even want to go there. On the other hand, when we do like a guy, we are drawn towards looking in his eyes in hopes of being able to read him.
7. If she gives you her number
I was recently chatting with two of my best guy friends who were debating whether one of them should call this girl whose number he got. I was all for him picking up the phone, but he was all afraid that maybe she didn’t really want to hear from him. Uh no. Guaranteed – if we aren’t interested, you aren’t getting our number. It is way too easy to go with the “oh I have a boyfriend” excuse than to deal with getting a call from a guy you have no interest in. If she gave you her number, she is hoping you’ll call. (Note, I said call, not text).
8. If she agrees to keep the date going
Time is a precious commodity for us girls and we are certainly not going to waste ours if we aren’t feeling it. It takes a LOT for me to stay out past 10 PM on a week night, so if I agree to grab an after dinner drink with you, pat yourself on the back. Things are going quite well.
9. If she challenges you to a game
This means we are trying to show you our fun side and are looking for an excuse to keep spending time with you. Playing a game gives us a lot of opportunity to flirt and usually comes with a couple of chances to touch you. All this is good news for you — even if we win.
10. If she fidgets with her clothes
Even the most secure girl gets a little self conscious when talking to a guy she really likes. If you see us twirling a ring or re-adjusting a shirt sleeve, that means we are conscientious of how we look and we are hoping we look good.
So guys, now you have it — your super, secret insider guide to how you know a girl likes you. The bonus tip, if your gut is telling you she likes you, she probably does. Don’t second guess yourself! Instead, go for it. And if you are feeling really ballsy, maybe, even tell her you like her… Hands down, nothing makes a girl with a crush happier then finding out her crush likes her back.